Have a large collection of books? Remember, once read a book, and what suggestions you get from the book? If you answered: "Oh, forget", or no idea about the books you read, it can be to see how that applied to this invalid. Author of "Emotional Intelligence 101.5 inspiring young people," which also EQ expert, Anthony Martin Dio split three ways, which used to read effectively and enjoy what you read. Any tricks?
Firstly, the techniques of contemplative reading. "When I did not read the book from beginning to end through the exit, then forget what they read, read," said Anthony, in the arena of Jakarta Book Festival 2011 in Jakarta, Jakarta, Sunday (07/03 / 2011 ).
As a contemplative read? Anthony says, reading a book with a pencil or pen. Enter a note to the part that you think interesting. Note that a comment, opinion or inequality.
"That's your own book, it does not matter, so full of scribbles. The trick is to keep the book pencils and pens to keep scratch paper. So be it. Love the comments read. Coretan education, training your mind. Mark, love submit comments. circle love exclamation mark or an opinion about what you read. For example, you do not like, do not agree, and so on. Let this book be kept clean, "he said.
The second trick to Mind Mapping. The trick to an overview of the contents of the book after reading it.
And thirdly, give hints on a small notebook ideas from reading the books that you created to take. "Knowledge means nothing if you do not come with ideas. For example, notes from reading this book (the reading), what you get. A book to be impressed when you can inspire us and knew us an idea to make something," said Anthony.
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