The key word, "rich" means the root of the word that comes to infertility is not productive or fruitful. To use a biblical term, called the fruit of the womb children. The Bible itself uses a more "sterile" terminology to describe infertility.
Infertility can not be a problem in obstetrics and gynecology, as we often believe, is primarily an imbalance of life points to a more internal problems. This is because most infertile couples look normal on the outside but was unable to conceive in the liver or transmit. The first law of nature tend to defend themselves and the generation of conservation or descent. And the reproductive organs are the last to get sick, even if other organs fail. The inability to conceive can be a warning or prevention that not all is well.
Fertility doctors have been defined, described and classified infertility in women under the three main types:
1. Primary infertility - If a woman in her reproductive period of trying and failing to get pregnant (and provide) after twelve months of unprotected intercourse. This definition applies in North America (U.S. and Canada). The Europeans use a longer period of time. In Europe, if a woman fails to conceive after two years of unprotected sex, he is said to have primary infertility. It describes a woman who had never been pregnant and less than or equal to 35. Any age over 35, a shorter time span. Primary infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 6 months of unprotected intercourse. Many patients and their doctors tend to focus more on groups of infertile women are much less common than secondary infertility.
2. Secondary Infertility - This is the failure of a mother to achieve pregnancy after one or more children in the past. This type of infertility is more subtle and less pronounced differently with primary infertility or miscarriage heartbreak. The incidence of secondary infertility is twice that of the primary. For now, it is still the most common type of infertility. People tend to overlook or ignore the type of infertility, and advise the couple with one or more children for their content. However, the type that causes the greatest pain, emotional turmoil and pain, because it involves the loss is the third type.
3. Miscarriage - When a woman is unable to carry the pregnancy to confinement in three attempts before 20 weeks of gestation. In other words, we speak of recurrent miscarriage, but many women prefer to call it a miscarriage. Most abortions tend to occur before 13 weeks of pregnancy. If women are doctors or choosing to terminate a pregnancy, with the abortion time limit. However, miscarriage take different forms, but the kind that infertility was classified as recurrent miscarriage. About 10 to 25% by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy with a miscarriage. Fertility doctors classify three or more miscarriages as infertility.

Like most problems in life, the activities of conception is a case involving a complicated and delicate process that involves several steps and factors. Infertile couples or women candidates have a chance every 30 days to get pregnant during their reproductive period.
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